1-5 Players
60-90 Minutes
Ages 14+
The Eternal Palace has fallen into disrepair. As the leader of a noble house seeking the favour of the Emperor you plan to aid in its reconstruction. Collect the materials you need to contribute to rebuilding the Palace monuments, and commemorate the restoration by creating a beautiful painting of his beloved gardens.

Final Version Painting Pieces

Image by Jacqueline Chao (Showmehowtowin)
In this game your workers are represented by dice, and you'll be placing them to contribute towards rebuilding the different parts of the Eternal Palace. This is a highly interactive Euro with many of the locations on the board giving players the ability to gain the edge over their opponents by completing tasks first, or contributing more to monuments to earn tokens reflecting their overall efforts.
Who will contribute the most to the reconstruction and gain the favour of the Emperor? Find out in this tense and competitive Euro game!

Image by Jacqueline Chao (Showmehowtowin)
The deluxe edition of Eternal Palace features the base game plus:
Four unpainted Monument miniatures
The Labyrinth Expansion
The Exports Expansion